The PhD conference “The European Union in the “eye of the storm”– United
Europe or the Europe of the nations” took place on October 29, 2022.
For the third year in a row, the three departments with PhD students in this field – the
“European Studies”, “Political Science” and “Public Administration”, at the
Faculty of Philosophy jointly organize the conference. The topic of the conference
provoked discussions upon the many crises the EU is experiencing, which directly
threaten its integrity.
The conference proceedings of the seventh PhD students’ conference in the field
of political sciences at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski” are already
published. Download here.
“The European Union in the “eye of the storm” – United Europe or the Europe
“United Europe – Mission Possible”
Conference proceedings: “Of Citizens and Institution – a Time for Decisions in the EU”
The PhD conference “The European Union in the eye of the storm”
“Young voices for energizing Europe”
“The Rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union – from Empirical Facts towards Expert Evaluation”