Assoc. Prof. Kaloyan Simeonov
The course Economic and Monetary Union is thought from several years. At the same time at EU level many reforms of the EMU were introduced after the crisis from 2007-2008 and several modifications of the functioning of the EMU were implemented. These reforms and modification lead to the need to introduce amendments in the course on EMU that is thought in the third year of the bachelor programme of the European Studies Department. One of the future amendments will be about the impact of EMU on the countries from South-East Europe. There are specific issues such as the unilateral euroisation of Montenegro and Kosovo, the currency board arrangement in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the substantial impact of the EMU on all countries in the region.
The current syllabus of the EMU course focuses on the theoretical aspects of the EMU, the creation and the functioning of the EMU in the first years after the introduction of the euro. The update of the course will introduce several topics related but not limited to a) the substantial amendments of the EMU in the recent years, b) the debates for the future EMU development and c) the impact of EMU on the countries from South-East Europe.
“United Europe – Mission Possible”
Conference proceedings: “Of Citizens and Institution – a Time for Decisions in the EU”
The PhD conference “The European Union in the eye of the storm”
“Young voices for energizing Europe”
“The Rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union – from Empirical Facts towards Expert Evaluation”