
“United Europe – Mission Possible”

The topic of the Annual Undergraduate Research Conference of the European Studies Department at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” was “United Europe – Mission Possible”. [...]

Conference proceedings: “Of Citizens and Institution – a Time for Decisions in the EU”

The PhD conference “Of Citizens and Institution – a Time for Decisions in the EU”– United Europe or the Europe of the nations” took place on May 13, 2023. [...]

The PhD conference “The European Union in the eye of the storm”

The PhD conference “The European Union in the “eye of the storm”– United Europe or the Europe of the nations” took place on October 29, 2022. [...]

“Young voices for energizing Europe”

The proceedings from the students’s scientific conference “Young voices for energizing Europe” hosted b y„ Antoine de Saint Exupéry” promotion could downloaded here. [...]

“The Rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union – from Empirical Facts towards Expert Evaluation”

There is no such thing as unsuccessful rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union – this rather humorous maxim, which is widely popular among academic and political experts on European affairs, has the potential to discourage any attempt at evaluating the Presidency. [...]

Empirical studies of the EU integration

Prof. Georgi Dimitrov

This optional 30 hour course in the BA program gives a chance to the students of European Studies to become acquainted with some best foreign examples of empirical research on EU integration and to participate themselves in an actual research process in a comparative cross-country study. The course is meant to change annually its focus of research interest. For the first year the accent will be on a comparison of the integration trajectories of Bulgaria-Serbia-Slovakia; for the second year – Croatia-Serbia; for the third – Bulgaria-Romania-Macedonia.

The students who take this course will:

  • have advanced knowledge about the processes of the enlargement of the EU in their historical dynamics and national varieties;
  • have sound knowledge of some major research trends in the Europeanization literature in comparative perspective;
  • be trained to take part in studies of the Europeanization processes as researchers;
  • be encouraged to pursue higher levels of academic career;
  • be prepared for the work necessary for a successful defence of their master and dissertation theses.